A Journey Into The SELF - "Man of No Ego"
A music project focused on healing through sound, imbued with universal messages coming from teachers such as Alan Watts, Osho, and Ramana Maharish.
Dimitar Petrov, "Man of No Ego" has reached over 12 million beings with his albums Web of Life and Blinkers Removed, with a following of over 90,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel.
With his sound healing music, he has reached entire new generations of spiritual seekers with life changing messages of the heart.
Web of Life - A Tribute to Alan Watts
Blinkers Removed - Featuring The Words of Acharya Rajneesh
Than for the first time you look around
And the beauty nature is revealed
Then you listen to the harmony of the universe
The symphony of the stars
Than everything starts to become more and more beautiful
Layers and layers of beauty are revealed
You eyes have a penetrating force
Wherever you look
You go deep
Even in rocks
You feel flowers blossoming
- Acharya Rajneesh – Opening Lyrics to Blinkers Removed
Sometimes, when I'm listening to the album, there is a feeling that the music will continue on through the ages, while me as a person, will eventually stop to exist. Such a special feeling.. :)) - Dimitar Petrov
Allowing Your Inner Being To Be
"The ego is the I-thought and the true I is the Self.
If a person has a deep urge to expand, if he, or she, knows that there is much more to life, then the ego must be integrated.
It must be integrated so that it doesn't act as an obstacle for the achievement of those dreams.
So be open and always ask yourself the fundamental question: "Who Am I?"
When the ego is realized as such, we are the Self and not the ego.
And by focusing the mind on Love, ego is no longer an obstacle.
But let us leave the I-thought for a moment and ask –
What is intuition?
Intuition is of the heart.
It is the divine connection with the true-Self, it is the truth.
Intuition is within every one of us.
Following it is not an easy task, because it is veiled.
But this is the path of courage and expansion.
When intuition arises, the ego arises as well.
Thus the fundamental choice has to be made.
The ego is of the mind, and knowing is one thing, but feeling is another.
That is the key.
A person who feels – knows, but a person who thinks – thinks he knows.
That is why self-inquiry is the basis of connecting with your heart.
The more you come close to your original being and allow it to be–
The more you come close to your internal light, your intuition."
-- Selection from Dimitar Petrov's book, MAN OF NO EGO
Mr. Petrov has made these albums publicly available for all to download.
Album - Web of Life - MP3 Download | FLAC Download | WAV Download
Album - Blinkers Removed - MP3 Download | FLAC Download | WAV Download
For Man of No Ego's current whereabouts, see:
Link in Bio: https://lnk.bio/manofnoego