Full Realization in Advaita Non-Duality - Anna Sun☀️

“Full realization is only possible when both polarities are equally embraced."

Full Realization in Advaita Non-Duality - Anna Sun☀️

“Full realization is only possible when both polarities are equally embraced.

So, you see yourself in the darkness too.

And, you are able to open up to that darkness within you.

Because, that is you too.

The suppressed stuff will not be bypassed.

It cannot be.

It will keep manifesting in your life, until you see; “I am THAT, too.” 🙏

That is, – might be,– an intense and not so pretty process.

When spirituality is “used” to deny life or some part of it — nothing good will come out of it.

It’s another form of separation, division, “one vs another”.

In Reality, Wholeness is All.

Which means things we don’t like, judge, label is also Wholeness, it is Us.

So opening up to the Darkness and seeing your own self in it too — is a very important stage. 🔥🖤

What our mind calls darkness is just:

Things that haven’t been embraced and invited into wholeness.

If we keep aiming high, but suppressing the low, — the shame, the injustice, the pain, the guilt, rejection — all of that will erupt like a volcano sooner or later. 🌋

And, we will see that keeping ourselves “high” wasn’t the point.

The point is opening up to and loving it all.

When separation between Dark/Light completely dissolves in you, then you truly can see the face of God in everything.

And live as That.

Unbothered if things come up.

You just love it all.

No one to protect or defend from those feelings.

But, all feelings are welcomed, not judged, embraced, accepted.

So, knowing you are beyond Light/Dark on a conceptual level doesn’t really make any difference.

You must really see yourself in both the Light and the Darkness, accept that you are that joker too, you are the pain too, and only then you realize - there is no division, it’s all God.

But it’s really realized, not just read in a book.

And then you live as Wholeness, as Totality - that what enlightened Masters are speaking about.

But, the process of embracing the so-called Darkness is a very very important one. ❤️‍🔥

Darkness is not really a darkness, it is “Light” that has been denied, rejected, cancelled out.

And you see it for real - when you invite those feelings into your heart - they reveal to you their benevolent face. ✨ A gift to be shared, a part of you that has been longing to come to Light. 🥹

A Beautiful journey indeed! 🙏

The underlying fear, why we may suppress darkness is really our fear that if we reveal, expose that darkness –suppressed feelings– inside - that it MEANS something about Who we are. 🙏

That it would mean, "Omg, I have that negativity in me."

It means, “I am not spiritual enough,” or, “I am not enlightened yet.”

This comes again from an identification with something that is appearing.

An identity that needs to be maintained and protected.

“I am spiritual,” “I am evolved, so I don’t have any darkness,” “I am above this.”

Any identity – light or dark, doesn’t matter,– is not the truth of you.

So, no matter how hard someone tries to maintain that spiritual identity, –of being the one is is all good,— it will collapse.

It will crumble.

The cut out side will manifest like a storm so it cannot be denied anymore.

And people fight.

People fight for their limitations and blame the outside world: That it is the world that needs to change.

That’s why they feel triggered..

But, in actuality, that which was hidden and suppressed within started to show up and manifest without, like in a mirror.

But, we don’t wanna see the true face.

That in a moment is showing us something not so pretty.

Once that, which is not pretty is equally loved and embraced as the pretty..

Then there is no separation." 🙏✨ – Anna Sun Art

"Follow your Heart. Remember who you are. Turn inwards. There lie the keys to your happiness.  Be brave, be authentic, be you. You are the Source of everything. 
Art is a doorway to your deepest Self. Follow it."

Anna Sun is an Artist and recently awakened Non-Duality teacher.

Anna was born and raised in Ukraine, now living and working as a full time artist creating Soul Activation Custom Paintings in the countryside in Sweden with her seven furry cats. 

Anna shares Intuitive guidance for everyone on the path of Self-realization on her YouTube Channel, Anna Sun ☀️

About | Anna Sun Art
Original contemporary artworks and fine art prints of a visionary artist Anna Sun.
Anna Sun ☀️
Artist, Intuitive guide living in magical Sweden 🌸 Intuitive guidance for everyone on the path of Self-realization ☀️🙏 Sharing art, love and realisations about the truth and nature of our being, nonduality, spirituality and living a fully embodied life ✨ Like the Sun your being shines - ever present Source of all ☀️ JOIN my Patreon commUnity for Live Heartfelt sessions to support your Awakening, Realisation and Actualisation: https://www.patreon.com/c/annasunlove My website: annasuns.com Email: annasunart@gmail.com Disclaimer: these videos are not a medical or professional advice and are not meant to be used as an aid to serious mental illnesses