Treasures: Kabir Vs. Kamal Kamal said to Kabir, ”It is Kamal’s business to take care of his own being, it is not your business. I'm not your disciple. I am a master on my own authority." “Strangely, it is Kabir who is remembered. He has an organized religion following him.
[Technique] Learn Books in 60 Seconds - There are 3 kinds of books. - The Best Books Have A Single Understandable Concept You Can Instantly Understand. - The Best Books Work From A Center Point Outwards.
Breaking GPT4's Ideology Ether, I feel that this statement of “empathy, understanding, and respect” is rather thin, shallow, skin-deep, artificial, and inauthentic.
An Inquiry Method This process uproots a belief and then clears out the space by filling it with something positive, new.