Beloved Master Osho, What Is The Main Purpose of Your Life? As far as I am concerned, I am fulfilled.
Technique: Automatic Writing "In automatic writing you take a pencil in your hand; you close your eyes, you wait. Suddenly you feel a jerk in the hand: your hand is possessed, as if something has entered. You are not to do anything because if you do then it will not be from
Gurdjieff's Aphormisms Inscribed in a special script above the walls of the Study House at the Prieuré
Tao Teh Ching - Lin Yutang Translation The first reaction of anyone scanning the Book of Tao is laughter; the second reaction, laughter at one's own laughter; and the third, a feeling that this sort of teaching is very much needed today.
Quote: Gurdjieff: On Changing of Being and Understanding What, then, has changed? His being has changed. And once being has changed understanding must change also.