The Zen N! #39 - The EZ Question V

1. Question. 2. Connection.

The Focus of The Newsletter

This Week's Newsletter Contains,

1. The EZ Question V.

2. For The Seeker II: A quote from George on Connecting.

3. A Question: Q&A section.

1 The EZ Question V

What is Deeper? What is Universal? Why?

Everything, everything, everything relates to the question you are asking.
relates to the questions you are asking.

Other ways of operation I've used are obsolete in comparison to this:

What is The Easy Question?

What is the core question?
Is there a better question?

Understand this as an ultimate principle:

If You Ask A Question, You Will Receive The Answer.

Here is a question of questions, a question in relation to everything:

What Does it Mean to Be Human?

No one is asking this question. Ask this question, and everyone has a conclusion, as though it were a trivial question.
A conclusion is made, the question is not asked.

You cannot ask a question if you already have a conclusion.

Then, let Z represent: no conclusion.

E = Everything

Z = Wildcard [ No Conclusion.]

[And No Self-Bias.]

What do I mean by Wildcard?

By Wildcard I mean, Open-Ended. Potential. Possibility.
Z is a placeholder. Undefined.
Z is a reminder that your question should have no pre-formed conclusion.

2 Connecting to Understanding

George Gurdjieff says that,

"You must feel the idea with your whole mass, your whole being; then you will understand it.

"Understanding appears only when you feel and sense what is connected with it."

So then, knowledge alone is disconnected.
You connect to understanding.

Isn't it interesting that it is said that if a student does not understand a teacher, that this means there is a problem in the relationship between the teacher and the student?

The student does not learn if there is a disconnection.

3 A Question

Why doesn't the student learn if there is a disconnection?

What you get is the result of your first step, the intention you start with.

There are two obvious ways to intend to receive an answer to a question.

1. You can intend to find out what you don't know.
2. You can intend to find what you know.
For example,
most people who seek Buddha will pursue all the religion, do all the practices, hear all the teachings, get all the credentials, they will get right next to the very essence of Buddha, but they will not understand Buddha.

They've chosen the second option. They're trying to get to what they think Buddha is.

To understand him would now be difficult, they are now rich and would have to become poor. They would have to go back to the first step.

The road they are currently on cannot get them there,
because how they are trying to do it has not worked, and they keep trying what has not worked.

They would have to:
1. drop what they know, and
2. Set a new intention to connect to Buddha and listen to him as though for the first time.

For many years I have pondered that this is the true meaning of humility, the difference between:

1. Intending to find out what you don't know.
2. Intending to find what you already know.

When things are stuck and not working, you know that you are using option 2.

Is there a place in your life where it's time to stop trying what isn't working and set a new intention?

–I started considering this after watching a pretty hardcore YouTube video about making a quantum leap.

Would you like to hear more of that in the future? Let me know.

You can answer on the Google Form Here:

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Part IV of The EZ Question from last week's newsletter is here:
The EZ Question: Part IV

Recently I sent out a special email to members with a gift, I'll be sending out another shortly in case you didn't receive it, so keep a look out! Be Blessed!