The Zen N! #37 - The EZ Question III

1. Question. 2. Understanding.

The Focus of The Newsletter

This Week's Newsletter Contains,

1. The EZ Question III

2. On Meaning and Understanding III: A quote from Gurdjieff on Understanding.

3. A Question: Q&A section

1 The EZ Question III

The EZ Question

The EZ Question’s process: Take your one core question, then apply these two parts.

  1. Looking: At the Top
  2. Listening: Without Conclusion.

This results in the strategy:

Without Self-Bias, Learn from The Top of The Top.

I had a self-bias that prevented me from looking at the top of the top.

I was frustrated, constantly, endlessly frustrated at the disparity between where I was and where I wanted to be.
No matter who I listened to, the information I read didn't stick. I couldn't apply it to my life and I just felt stuck and privately never getting anywhere.

Then I started asking questions and trusting people who had answers.

Eventually something clicked for me, something changed. I changed.
My pride broke. My Self-Bias. My feeling that I had knowledge, knowing.

You think that others operate more effectively because they are more intelligent or work harder, so they can use more complicated ways to get things done. You think that is the difference between you and them.

This belief has no basis in reality.

Effective people invest in finding the best ways of operation earlier on.

I found an easier way, once I found that the people at the top did the hard work for me so that I didn't have to. The EZ Question explains that way and how to access it.

I believed everything had to be difficult.

I stressed myself out trying to do things and build things, and I believed that everyone above me was smarter and more capable.
I believed I was a certain kind of person and that certain information applied to me. I would read books that “I” would read.


I understood a simple fact that changed my trajectory.

The people who are leveling up are on a road that becomes more easy the higher they go.

The higher you go, the easier it gets.

That means their work is becoming less complex, not more complex.

2 On Meaning and Understanding III

"The difference between knowledge and understanding becomes clear when we realize:

1. that knowledge may be the function of one center.

2. Understanding, however, is the function of three centers. 

The thinking part of us may know something.

But understanding appears only when a man feels and senses what is connected with it." - Gurdjieff


Knowledge = Thinking

Understanding = Thinking + Feeling + Senses

3 - Q & A

"How do I ask questions if I can't trust my own answers?"

I'll be coming back to this question in the future,
but one note on this,

The answers you get come from your background mind.

You develop your background mind by exposing yourself to the right knowledge. Then, your background mind absorbs, integrates that knowledge.

You don't have to consciously understand the information. You do not have to expend effort to learn it. All you have to do is expose it to your background mind so that it can pick it up.

That means this process is:
1. Find the people with good mental models,
2. Expose yourself to the thoughts of these people.

These people are not smarter, they are simpler.
Their background mind has gained simpler mental models that are allowing them to think more intelligently and clearly.

They did not come up with this information, they too gained these mental models from someone before them.

This is a no effort strategy.

[Above, I'm using mental models as a placeholder term to refer to thinking processes of your background mind.]

From a future piece:

A mind is not only thought content, but also the background thinking processes behind that thought content.

Logically it is a better choice to take more healthy, viable, and optimal ways of thinking into yourself,
that cause you to have a more or healthy life as a result.

Do you have a question you would like answered on the newsletter?

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Part II of The EZ Question from last week's newsletter is here:
The EZ Question: Part II

I just leveled up. Lots of exclusive content coming soon for members!

Be Blessed!

Meaning is Felt Understanding.

More Life.
More Meaning.
More Understanding.