The Zen N! #59 - Are You The Omnidirectional Knower? Part III
On Osho, Watts, and Socrates.
PART III - Osho, Watts, Socrates
You are it?
The mystic Osho, spoke of the seer and and the seen,
"The Creator is the Creation. The world and God are not two things. The Creation is the Creator. It is not like a painter. A painter creates a painting. The moment the painting is created there arc two things, the painter and the painting. The Creation is like a dancer, where the dance and the dancer are one." -Osho
Here we've zoomed out the world and are now looking at two parts.
One Creator. One Creation.
If you are, if you exist, as the creation, you must be the whole of creation.
Can it be otherwise? Can creation be separated from itself?
And because the seen and the seer arise together:
If you are the creation, you are too the creator. These too cannot be separated from each other. Can they?
Could there be:
A perfect, unchanging Creator, and a changing Creation?
Alan Watts said, "You Are It."
There are two words printed and repeated through history.
Know Thyself.
Know Thyself.
If I am That, then I should know it.
I should come to know it.
If I am That, I should come to know myself.
Thank you for reading!
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