Tao Teh Ching - Lin Yutang Translation The first reaction of anyone scanning the Book of Tao is laughter; the second reaction, laughter at one's own laughter; and the third, a feeling that this sort of teaching is very much needed today.
The Round Table - Session One Hello, this is the first meeting of the round table. There are a few questions I'd like to address. I'd like to invite Solomon, Future Self, and Tyler Durden to the table. No other parties are invited. The Questions of The Meeting: What would I do
Quote: Gurdjieff: On Changing of Being and Understanding What, then, has changed? His being has changed. And once being has changed understanding must change also.
[Masters] Reflection 3: Awakening Through The Awareness It would not be possible to truly do anything without a consistent self, without being outside of the 10,000 moods and emotions.